
My Action Dashboard so Things Get Done!

We all know the feeling of being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tasks that land on our desks each day. It can be difficult to keep track of what's most important and to stay on top of everything. That's why I wanted to share with you my experience with Microsoft ToDo. At first, I was hesitant to use ToDo because of its simplicity. But thanks to its integration with Outlook and its ease of use, it quickly became my go-to tool for planning my day and staying on track. I struggled with finding a system that would help me prioritize my tasks and keep my work and personal tasks separate, while still having them in a single view. That's when I discovered the MS ToDo integration with Outlook. With ToDo, I can easily share a list with any user and keep my work and personal tasks separate. Every morning, I review my tasks backlog and choose the most important ones for the day, adding them to 'My Day'. Then, using Outlook's 'Boards' view, I can load my 'M

The Power of Good Enough: Why 90% is Perfect

It's easy to fall into the trap of perfectionism in the pursuit of excellence. We set impossible standards for ourselves and try to achieve flawlessness in everything we do. However, the truth is that perfection is an unattainable goal, and even if we try our hardest, there will always be room for improvement. That's where the Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, comes in. This principle states that roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. In other words, for any given task or project, 80% of the results can be achieved with just 20% of the effort. But what about the remaining 20%? That's where the principle of "good enough" comes in. In most applications, achieving 90% of the desired outcome is sufficient. In fact, striving for more than that can be counterproductive and lead to diminishing returns. For any practical purpose, 90% is perfect! Think about it: If you spend 80% of your time and energy trying to achieve that last 10%, you're only

User Timezones. A nightmare Story!

I’m building 1Do.Today using the 1Do Today app. It is in that stage, and I start to feel it helps. Here are my stats: It all started with this feature I wanted to add: I thought it would be quick and fairly simple. It took me 3 days to complete!… With great frustration, wondering sometimes what the hell is happening, hustling will all kinds of unexpected weird side-effects. I’m still not sure it’s completely bug-free…. Well, simple things are not necessary easy or quick. And I can tell you can’t wait to test it! Please , when you register, set your timezone in Profile, otherwise you’ll get UTC. At times, it was reminding me of this great video from Computerphile  : Go ahead, if you’re like me, you’ll have fun. I like how he’s talking about our intoxicant of choice So, what that means? Well, it slightly impacted by roadmap to make 1Do available for private launch by the end of the month. But I’m pushing to make up for it and let you see what I’ve done as soon as possible. In the meanti

Back on Track

There was some time passing since my last update on 1Do.Today . I needed to prioritize my personal life above all else. But that now is getting back on track. So here we go, 1Do is also getting ready to meet the world. There are a few pieces left to add to the puzzle before we get an MVP. And adding them is already planned in. Followed by some refinements and testing, and there it is. Although, as a first step, it will also be available as a closed private alpha to get some initial feel. If interested, just send me an email reply, or tweet me @aditot and I will send you an invite. You’d like to drop a comment ? Discussion here: Originally published at on May 8, 2019.

Accept what you can do

Work  1Do.Today  on slowed down in the last couple of days. I’m doing this as a side gig in my own spare time, alongside with my full-time (I’d say: highly demanding) job. And life is also happening. There’s not too much left to do before I’m ready to launch a private alpha to testing. But I’m struggling to find the time and energy to get it done. I’m moving house this week, and enjoying some me time, and some time with my partner. I came to realize that I’m actually not superhuman. There’s only so much I can get done in a day, even when I’m using  1Do.Today  to work on 1Do Today and prioritize and motivate myself to get it done! The standard / expectation for myself is always high. Shoot for the moon , right? But it can also induce anxiety and guilt if not managed properly. I accept this now that it’s okay, and feel satisfied and content that I did do something. What matters is to do consistently, even when missing some days. Can you forgive yourself? Even when done a bit less a day.

Integrating Email Service today #struggles @1do

  Choosing Sengrid I just need sending a simple email to notify users on signup and send an invite code to those who requested to signup to alpha. All alpha level users will get free for life account on . Just sign up and drop me a reply you’d like to get an invite. Now, I’d need to send some transactional emails. Nothing fancy, just a simple text. I chose Sendgrid because of it’s [still] quasi-free entry level option, and seemingly easy of use. Well, it was almost easy. Besides the need to update my dev environment with all dependencies for the Sendgrid API, and struggling to understand them all to get them right, it’s still not working … The last step: script now works, but Sendgrid rejects the request with a cryptic response… And I can’t figure it out if it’s rejecting the API key or the request itself. Worked it out finally after putting in some time for 2 days. I mention this is all done using the quick setup from  Sendgrid integration workflow itself  : Kept getting 40

Hello 1Do World!

  Sharing 1Do Today progress Chosen a very simple way to share progress on my new tool that will make you progress to accomplishment very simple. Meet !  An app to enable you apply the single-tasking philosophy. Don’t break the chain: it’ll enable you focus on what’s important and visualise progress to your Goals. To keep you focused by limiting you to the Most Important Task [MIT] everyday ; Don’t break the chain! It combines the Seinfeld Method, the Compound Effect and Public Accountability and taking pride for what you already achieved. Its Mission is to keep you motivated and do your actions consistently so they compound over time . Don’t get bogged down into managing tasks, manage your progress. ( Always not what you need to do Now, and what to do Next! Learn more @  1Do Today . Originally published at  on January 28, 2019.